Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Everyone was busy,busy, busy today.  Jim went for a bike ride early this morning.  He had to wear a jacket because it was only 51 degrees outside.  We have been used to such warm weather, that this is certainly a change.  I snuggled up next to Kathe all night and took up my share of the down comforter. It's very pleasant once the sun comes out, but it doesn't get really warm at all.

Jim didn't get enough exercise, so he cleaned the motor home when he got home from his ride.  Kathe found more blackberries at the site next door and picked a another whole bucketful before the next campers checked in. She cleaned and froze the berries, so I guess there is another cobbler in the future.

I went for a bunch of loops around the park, mostly chasing chipmunks.  If Kathe would let me, I might catch one. The ones here are skinny and fast. I guess the tourists are so busy hiking that they aren't feeding the wildlife Cheetos like in some parks we've been to.  I can out run a fat chipmunk any day, but not these guys. I will keep trying!

After all that activity they still had energy to go on two hikes this afternoon.  First they hiked a rather level trail to the Upper North Falls.  It's a wide falls but only 65 feet high. After that they hiked to the North Falls which was a more strenuous hike.  North Falls is 136 feet high and the hike included 72 steps which they had to walk down to view it. Going back up was even more strenuous, so they had to come home and drink some Oregon wine to recover.

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