Wednesday, August 2, 2017


This morning Kathe and Jim went for a bike ride along the river. Kathe managed to stay upright and rode for about 5 miles before the lounge chair started calling her name. Jim kept on riding for another 10 miles.Kathe rides for the scenery, but Jim rides for exercise.  I like to relax in the grass.

It was another hot day, over 100 degrees so we didn't really do much.  When they went shopping in the town Hermiston yesterday they found out that the area is known for producing delicious melons. Kathe went a little wild and bought three of them; a cantaloupe, one red and one orange watermelon. They are very tasty, but we now have to eat melon at every meal. Tried it, didn't like it!

After lunch things were a little boring so we all jumped into the Jeep for a road trip to the town of Heppner, about 50 miles  from here along the Oregon Blue Mountain Scenic Route. Heppner is the county seat so we thought it would be a bigger town than Boardman.  Nope.  Population 1,291. Enough said.  This is a picture of the courthouse, one of the few building left standing after a  flash flood in 1903. Torrential rain and hail fell on the town and within 15 minutes a wall of water 15 to 50 feet high and wiped out 1/3 of the town and killed 247 people. A dam has been built so that this will never happen again.

Tomorrow we move to Mount Hood Village.  It's a Thousand Trails/Encore Resort so you never know what to expect.  We might have Internet, and we might not.  So don't worry if you don't hear from me tomorrow--I've gone rural!

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