Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Boy do we love it here.  This must be the most beautiful park in Oregon. It may be a little foggy today but we love being in our site between the pine trees. Jim and Kathe are enjoying the peace and quiet here after the crowded park we were in in Salem for the eclipse. This morning Jim took a bike ride after breakfast while Kathe and I did some needlepoint until he returned.

Later in the morning while Jim was sprucing up the motor home Kathe broke our printer.  A whole bunch of paper got pulled in and got stuck, and that was that. I had to hide under the table for a while while she tried to fix it by yelling at it, but it wouldn't fix itself. There isn't a Staples for miles, but they managed to find the exact printer they needed at a Fred Meyers here in Florence.  They just about have everything in that store.

While they were in town they did some window shopping down in the Old Town and had some clam chowder at Mo's at the harbor. And when they got home they took me for a hike on the nature trail. We walked through the woods all the way down to the lake and I sniffed a whole lot of nature.

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