Monday, June 17, 2013

Windy River

Woke up this morning to find out that everything was getting washed today.   The windows, the clothes and me!  Well, I was getting a little scruffy looking, so I suppose I needed it.  This was me wet, but after a blow dry I'm beautiful again. 

After they finished all their chores, Kathe and Jim went out to the Columbia Gorge to watch the wind and kite surfers.  Those guys were fantastic, only the best come here, doing 360's and flips while flying through the air.  Jim tried to get some pictures but they were soaring past so quickly it wasn't possible to get a good picture.

They  went back across that scary bridge to the town of Hood River for lunch.  After ordering lunch, Jim reached into his pocket and found that his wallet was missing.  He remembered having it in his lap when paying the toll, but it must have fallen out when he got out of the car.  He went back to place were the car was parked and there was his wallet, lying open on the street!  Everything was still in it including all his money.  Lucky that didn't happen in Los Angeles.

We can see Mount Hood across the river, but haven't been able to get a good picture without the clouds in the way.

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