Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Old West

I stayed home today to keep an eye on howling Howard next door.  Turns out he's not a basset hound after all, just a very fat beagle.  Every time we leave the coach he starts howling at us.  So some one had to stay home and guard the fort.  We are all hoping his people will move on tomorrow and take him with them.

While I was on duty, Kathe and Jim went down the road a few miles to Winthrop.  It's an Old Western town that tries to captures the spirit of the 1890's.  The colorful main street has wooden sidewalks, false front buildings, and old fashioned street lights.  

They also stopped at the Shafer Museum which has several pioneer structures and a display of farming and mining equipment from the 1900's.  They toured the school house, doctors office, and the log cabin that was once used by the founder of the town.

After that exciting morning they drove to the Sun Mountain Lodge for a late lunch.  It's a beautiful stone hotel that is 9 miles up above the town of Winthrop.  The view from the restaurant was spectacular.

It was quiet there today, but when the snow falls the lodge will be full of cross country skiers taking advantage of the many groomed trails on the mountain.  In summer the trails are used by mountain bikers, and I think that Jim and Kathe are going to ride bikes tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

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