Sunday, June 16, 2013

Into Washington, the hard way

We left Salem this morning and connected back up with the I-5 towards Portland.  Lot's of Father's Day traffic until we reached the I-84 where we drove along the Columbia River for many miles. The scenery was awesome, tall cliffs and huge pines everywhere we looked.  We drove past the spectacular Bridal Vail and Multnomah Falls, but we were going too fast to get a good picture.  Just another beautiful place we will have to come back and see on another trip.

The scary part of the ride came just before we reached our destination, the Bridge RV  Park campground in White Salmon, WA .  We had to cross the Columbia River on a narrow two lane bridge with barely enough room for our big fat motor home.  Kathe was hanging on to the sissy-bar for dear life all the way across.  We only had inches to spare on either side of our rear view mirrors.  Quite a ride.  Needless to say we won't be going back that way! EVER!

I am enjoying the RV park, but haven't see any wildlife yet except for the 3 Yorkies in site #30. 

We have a better site than they do with a peek-a-boo view of the river.  We planned to stay here for four days until we saw the train track which runs right past the park between our site and the river.  I've counted about 10 trains so far tonight. 

Oh well, "On the Road Again", as the song goes!

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