Friday, June 28, 2013

Sunny Day in Twisp

It finally stopped raining, and now they are complaining about the heat.  We woke up this morning for the first time in six days to sunny skies and beautiful white clouds.  Tonight it is 87 degrees and the air conditioning is on!  You just can't please some people.

I'm happy to report that howling Howard moved out this morning and has been replaced by a Springer Spaniel named Bentley.  I played with him a little, but when he got a little rough, I bit him on the nose, just to let him know who's the boss in this campground.

With the weather so nice today it was a hiking and biking day for Kathe and Jim.  Jim went out this morning for a mountain bike ride and Kathe did some "pink" jobs, laundry and house keeping.  Then she tossed me in the sink for another bath.  I guess rain water bathing doesn't count in her book.  Since the sun was shining, I dried off fast and was able to relax and take a nap the rest of the day.

As soon as Jim came back from his bike ride, they ate lunch and went out for a hike together.  First they explored the area of Pearrygin Lake State Park and then went back to the area around Sun Mountain for a three mile hike around Beaver Lake.

We are leaving tomorrow for North Cascades National Park.  Most National Parks do not have Internet, so don't be worried if I don't post a blog for the next three days.

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