Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rainy Day in Vantage WA

I was sad to leave our beautiful site in Yakima, but it was time to get on the road again.  As we left town I saw a sign that said Yakima was the Palm Springs of Washington State,  how about that!

We only drove about 60 miles today, an easy day for all of us.  We climbed up out of the Yakima Valley and stopped at a Vista Point to take a picture looking down into the next valley toward our destination.

Because it was a short drive today we arrived in Vantage, Washington, population 74, by 12:30 this afternoon.  They wouldn't let us check into our site at the Wanapum State Park  until 2:30.  While we were waiting, we ate lunch and Jim cleaned the motor home.  Just when he finished it was time to check in.  When we drove up to our reserved site we got hit with two giant rain bird sprinklers and the entire coach got wet.  No worries, about 10 minutes later it started to rain!  That finished the job.

The rest of the afternoon we just relaxed in front of the fireplace, napped, and watched the rain fall.  We have a great site, overlooking the Wanapum River. 

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