Saturday, June 22, 2013

Roll Out the Barrels

Here we are in Leavenworth, Washington, the little Bavarian Village nestled at the foot of the Cascade Mountain Range.  At least that's what the guide book said.  This place is like Solvang on steroids! Apparently they have a "Festival" every weekend and we happened to arrive during the Accordion Festival.

Kathe and Jim went into the town this afternoon but it's so crowded they came back to be with me at the quiet, Icicle River Resort.  They will probably wait until the polka music dies down before they venture back into town. 
There are all sorts of interesting things in town like pretzels, beer, and sausages!

They aren't very doggie friendly here, so Kathe is keeping me on the short leash.  It seems like the dog walking area is miles away, but we did walk down to the Icicle River and took a couple of pictures.  The water is COLD!  I just hope they don't plan to take me with them when they go river rafting.

Got to make this short, they are going out for some schnitzel!

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