Sunday, June 9, 2013

How many miles?

Today was a long, long, extra long driving day.  There was a little miscalculation in the number of miles to be driven today.  We were only supposed to drive 203 miles but by the time we reached Mount Shasta we had traveled over 268 miles and everyone was tired.  Guess Kathe's smart phone isn't all that smart.

As we left the Sacramento Delta the scenery changed from boat slips and corn fields to vineyards and nut orchards.  Another 50 miles and we were in the middle of miles and miles of rice paddies, then back to the fruit and nut orchards.  Further along  the I-5 we saw rolling golden meadows dotted with oak trees.  Things changed again and we passed more nut and olive orchards before reaching Lake Shasta and the tall spruce and fir trees of the Shasta Trinity National Forest.  Early to bed for all!


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