Thursday, August 8, 2019


The last couple of days we have been traveling South and there hasn't really been anything interesting to talk about. We spent last night in a place called the Almond Tree RV Resort in Coalinga, CA.  A place not worth mentioning, and by the way, there are no almond trees, just dirt and gravel.  Driving all day through central California passing miles and miles of golden hills spotted with a few oak trees.  Once we were close enough to see the aqueduct we began seeing huge groves of fruit and nut trees along both sides of the Interstate. Now we have reached Oceano and are camped near sand dunes and the Pacific Ocean for the next 4 nights.

It has been a great two months on the road. We have camped in 24 different places in a little over 60 days. But as they say, "There is no place like home." We've been in Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, and enjoyed every single day.  So, the 2019 edition of my adventures has come to an end.

Good news, we've already started planning for  2020.  Bye for now!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Last night in Truckee Kathe and I noticed the sunset was a beautiful pinky-blue. By the time she took out her phone and took this picture it looked like the sky exploded. Pink sky at night, sailors delight!

This morning we left Truckee and started West on the I-80 towards Manteca, California.  It was a pretty rough ride down the mountain. You know you're in California when as soon as you cross the Nevada State line the roads go from smooth pavement to rough and bumpy concrete. The road was pitted and we kept shaking back and forth in the grooves left by the truckers and snow chains. Funny how all that money Kathe and Jim pay for diesel fuel hasn't changed the condition of the California highways. Also interesting, when we got closer to Sacramento the highway miraculously improved.

We finally arrived here at the French Camp RV Resort where it's over 100 degrees in the shade. All was fine except about an hour after we hooked up, the power went out in the whole park. I tried to talk Kathe into lying down on the cool tile floor with me, but no go!

Turns out someone hit a power pole outside the park and the whole area is without juice for until it's repaired.  Lucky for us our generator has enough power to keep us cool all night long.

Monday, August 5, 2019


Today we were supposed to rest and relax.  Well, that's exactly what I did. Jim and Kathe hung
around this morning doing chores. Then they decided to go out and explore the historic town of Truckee and have lunch. After a little shopping in the town, they headed for Jax at the Trax. Jax is a 1948 aluminium diner which was brought to Truckee from Pennsylvania.  It was featured on the program Diners and Dives, so of course they had to eat there.

Kathe talked Jim into going to the Donner Memorial State Park where they watched a film about the fate of the Donner Party.  There were also several interesting short videos about travel on the Donner road in the early days of automobile travel, and the building of the railroad tracks through the pass. 12,000 Chinese immigrants worked on the construction of the snow tunnels and a granite wall.  The China Wall of the Sierras, as it was called, was built to support the train tracks.

The forest service built a bridge over the roughest parts of the summit road originally for the lumber industry. That road brought more automobiles to the Donner Summit Road. This bridge is called the Rainbow Bridge and was completed in the 1920's. It was quite a drive up to the 7,057 foot summit and they really enjoyed the day.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


We picked up the I-80 outside of Winnemucca this morning and drove straight through Sparks and Reno to stop here in Truckee. Kathe thought this was the park we stayed in last time we were in this area. Not only was it a different park, but it was probably the most challenging one ever.  By the time they squeezed into the entrance to the park and up the dog leg, one lane road to their site, they still had to back into the site between two trees. Kathe was a wreck! Happy to report no scratches and no divorces in the near future.

We're  in the trees alright, and we have a nice grassy lawn in the shade. Jim says, it's okay except for the trains and the fact that the I-80 is whizzing by our rear end. Next year, I'm letting Kathy Taylor book ALL the sites.  My Kathe seems to have lost her touch. Guess you can't always go by the reviews and pictures on the internet. I took some pictures that makes it look pretty nice, right?

We have another day here and will relax because the next two days are one night stands on the I-5. Lots of driving and not much fun until we get to Pismo Beach.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Long, BORING drive from Caldwell, Idaho through Oregon and into Nevada, Winnemucca, NV,  to be exact.  And to top it off Kathe booked the wrong RV Resort. This place is a dump and we won't be staying here again if I have anything to say about it. It was 110 degrees when we checked in and  the camp host informed Kathe that dogs weren't allowed to walk on the grass.  My feet were on fire just walking to the dog park. And don't get me started about that dog park! Yuck! Enough about that.

Kathe took this picture of the Jordan Valley this morning but you can't expect much at 70 miles per hour while she's sitting on the dashboard.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow when we will be in Truckee, California.  It's supposed to be cooler and we are going to be back in the trees. Trees mean squirrels and birds and I can't wait.

Friday, August 2, 2019


Such a difficult drive from McCall to Caldwell Idaho, but it's so beautiful it's almost worth it.
We follow along the Payette River for over 100 miles, winding back and forth the whole way.  Jim was getting tired of turning left and right and right and left on a narrow 2 lane highway. These pictures were taken from inside the motor home as we were soaring down the highway. We finally arrived at the Ambassador RV Park where the temperature was over 100 degrees. The pavement here was so hot that Kathe had to carry me to the dog park.  Luckily, there was some shade and cool green grass for me once we got inside the gate.

Kathe and Jim went out to dinner tonight with their old friends Bob and Carol who moved here from Los Angeles several years ago. They were gone for hours.  I was pleased to see that they brought me a doggie bag when they finally returned home.

Tomorrow it's off to Winnamucca. Yucca!

Thursday, August 1, 2019


Anyone who has followed my blog knows that we have been here in McCall many times. The first few times that we were here we stayed at Ponderosa State Park. The last several trips here, we've been here at the Northfork RV. We simply love it here, and would stay longer if we could. It's a lakeside vacation paradise.

This morning Kathe and Jim drove out to Tamarack Resort and looked at the new real estate that is being developed at the ski resort. Beautiful cottages in the pine trees right under the ski resort. Dreaming!

Here are some pictures from the last couple of days. That might help you see why we love it here.

Kathe and Jim rode the bike trail together this afternoon along Payette Lake in Ponderosa State Park.  They took some pictures of the lake from the trail. It was a challenging ride for Kathe, but she made it and remained upright!

Yesterday, at Little Payette Lake they took the Jeep around to several dry camping spots and took pictures of the smaller lake.  The campgrounds were too small for our coach, but it looked like a nice quiet place to camp.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Did I tell you we have the best site. We don't have a view of the river, but our window looks out into the forest.  There is a path down to the river a couple of sites below us, but we are in a valley and our closest neighbor is 50 or 60 feet away. Have I mentioned the deer? There are tons of them here walking all over the place. In the past 24 hours we have seen more mule deer here in this RV park than in Glacier and Yellowstone combined. They walk right up to the bird feeders and help themselves to a snack. On my last walk I saw a doe and a large buck with a smaller buck in tow. Kathe tried to get a picture, but when they heard me growl they ran off.

This morning both Kathe and Jim went to the groomer and they both got scalped. Tomorrow is my day, and I must say I'm looking forward to a real professional bath. I'm tired of the kitchen sink wash and blow that Kathe is so fond of.

Jim and Kathe drove out to Lake Payette and took the Jeep on a dirt trail up towards Brundage Mountain and took this picture of the Lake.  I wish we had a boat because it looked like a lot of people were enjoying themselves on the lake this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Although the drive south today was really interesting, it sure took a long time. We passed many fields of wheat, hay, lentils, and garbanzo beans. Thousands of acres between Lewiston and Grangeville, Idaho. Beautiful fields of golden wheat being harvested and bales of hay ready to be gathered. There were even some fields that were being burned in preparation for a new crop of wheat. It was helpful that many of the farms had signs that identified what was being grown. Just for us city folk! Later in the day we drove through Riggins, the white water capital, and watched people rafting down the Salmon river.  We drove along the river for miles and miles.

We ran into the dreaded road work in several places on the highway and had to drive slowly over gravel which made the trip even longer. Then there was a 7% grade down hill for about six miles outside of White Bird which had Kathe and I holding our breath for a long time.

Once we arrived, we lucked out and got a great site here in McCall at the Northfork RV resort. I'll post some pictures of it tomorrow.

Monday, July 29, 2019


Another nice warm day here in Lewiston at the Hells Gate State Park. Most of the folks cleared out last night and we had a quiet morning. Today we are supposed to be relaxing, but Jim spent the morning cleaning half of the motor home.  Kathe and I walked around the campground a couple of times. Then we watched the kids floating in inner tubes on the lake for a little while, one boy was floating with his dog in his lap. Looked like fun to me. Afterwards, we held down some lounge chairs until it was time for lunch.

It's been really hot here today, Jim tried to talk Kathe into a bike ride, but no go! I can't imagine that it's much fun to exercise in ninety degree weather, she didn't either. We stayed in the air conditioning, me napping and Kathe reading. Now, that's a vacation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


Another beautiful drive today. Straight down Highway 95 to Lewiston and the Hells Gate State Park. It took a little over 4 hours to reach our destination. We passed by many large fields of grain and hay, and the towns of Lake Pend d'Oreille and Lake Coeur d' Alene before reaching Lewiston, Idaho. Lewiston is known as Idaho's Seaport. Large quantities of grain are shipped by barge down the Snake and Columbia rivers to the Pacific.

The town of Lewiston is also on a site where Lewis and Clark camped in 1805 on their Corp of Discovery Expedition. We are camped along the Snake River under a large oak tree.  The site we reserved for us was a little too small, so the Ranger moved us to this great site. We have a peek-a-boo view of the river, and there is a 20 mile bike path along the bank that Kathe and Jim are planning to explore.

I've had a spin around our loop B and it's pretty nice. Lots of grass and trees, but it's over 100 degrees outside right now and I didn't feel like doing much. Wait till about 6 AM tomorrow morning and I'll be a happy camper when I take Kathe for a walk.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Not much left to see here at Bonner's Ferry, so I guess it's time to move on. This morning it looked like rain, but by the time we brought everything inside to prepare, the clouds drifted away.  Time for a little more sight seeing in town and a trip to see the Moyie Falls. No one seemed to know where to find the falls, and after a few false starts, and a couple of dirt roads, they came upon it. Not quite as terrific as the Kootenai Falls of yesterday.  But, the view of the bridge over the gorge above the falls on Highway 2 is spectacular from the top view as well as the underneath view.

Next stop, the Boundary County Museum. Lots of historical photographs and pioneer artifacts. The highlight was a mounted white caribou which had quite a history of it's own. The caribou was in the window of the White Caribou Bar and disappeared in 1909. It returned 20 years ago and was placed in and exhibit in the museum, a replica of the White Caribou Bar.

We are all a little sad tonight as it's our last night traveling with the Taylors.  Gianni and Lady Bella are headed tomorrow to Coeur  d' Alene and we are headed to Lewiston.  We've had a great time together exploring and watching our humans having fun. I do hope they start planning another trip together soon, and we will all have another adventure to look forward to.

Friday, July 26, 2019


Back over the border into Montana, down stream from the town of Libby, is the Kootenai Falls State Park.  The Kootenai River runs through a narrow, very rocky gorge and drops 300 feet for a distance of several hundred yards. The falls are visible after a short hike through the forest on the east side of the park and there is a suspension bridge on the west.

Everyone enjoyed the hike and the view of the falls, but only the guys walked across the gorge on the swinging suspension bridge. The bridge is 210 feet across and 100 feet above the water.  I'm glad I stayed home.

They found a great restaurant/casino in the town of Troy, MT for lunch on the way back to camp.

Today was the farmers market day in Troy and they were able to buy local fruit, berries, and vegetables. Score! They saw a sign on the road that said, "HUCKS", so they stopped there and bought some delicious huckleberries and fresh eggs from Aunt Patty's Farm. Another great day!

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Anther day of pine sap and curse words! Kathe is tearing my hair out! I try very hard to avoid the sticky pine branches, but it's impossible. It doesn't seem fair that Gianni and Lady Bella don't have any problems, I guess there white fur isn't as fine as mine. They walk the same paths that I walk and remain sap free.

Today they left us doggies home and went exploring in the town of Bonners Ferry. The town has grown up along the banks of the Kootenai river. It was a fur trading post that became a permanent settlement when the ferry was established as a means of transportation into Canada. There is now a very high and beautiful bridge across the river.

They planned to take a drive along the river in the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge. After about a mile into the refuge they found out that it was closed for a drainage repair. They turned around and headed back to Old Town Bonners Ferry which has been revitalized with restored buildings, shops and antique stores for the tourists to enjoy. They had a great lunch there and did some antique shopping before heading back to the campsite.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Beautiful drive today from Montana into Idaho on Highway 2. Lots of pine trees and no traffic, just the way we like it. We arrived at the Hemlock RV resort. We thought was one o'clock and forgot that we changed  time zones. 
Check in was easy even though we were an hour early. Did I say easy? Check that. Both of the sites assigned to us were very interesting. Our site was under an shelter that was JUST about wide and JUST about high enough. It took a couple of tries, but Jim got us into our space. Direct TV, forget about it! Aside from being under a canopy, there are way too many trees here.That's not particularly a bad thing, but without any cell coverage and very spotty internet it's going to be a quiet four days.

The most troubling thing for Kathe is the sap that I seem to collect in my fur. They had a big storm here last night before we got here, with winds gusting up to 70 mph. That means that there are tree limbs, pine cones and lots of sticky stuff all over the place.  Kathe made Jim get a rake and clean up our site so that I wouldn't get too sticky, then she cut off all the fur on my paws, it's embarrassing what they look like now. If we stay here all four days I'll be bald!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


If you are wondering why I didn't blog last night it's partially because the WiFi here is not great and since I had nothing to report and no pictures, I skipped a night. Today was just as boring as yesterday so just read this twice and you'll be caught up! There are no pictures because the WiFi won't let me send them.

Basically, we are relaxing.  Yesterday it rained all day.  In the early afternoon they took a drive to the Thompson Chain of Lakes, a State Park of six lakes that span about 20 miles on Highway 2. Didn't take any pictures, it was too dark and wet.  Getting out of the car meant being eaten alive by the mosquitoes. They stopped at each lake to see if maybe there might be one where the guys could fish. Since the one day fishing licence in Montana costs $52.00 nothing really appealed to them. I think the fish will have to be jumping out of the water and onto the hook for that to happen.

Back at the campsite it was reading, napping and coloring all day. Today has been a repeat of yesterday without the rain or the drive.  Reading, napping and the Kathies worked together on a jigsaw puzzle all afternoon. I guess we all needed some time to relax, but I hope tomorrow when we get to Idaho maybe we can do something worth blogging about.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


We're here at McGregor Lake RV Resort just outside of the "town" of Marion, Montana. Why here?  For the simple reason that Kathy Taylor's maiden name was McGregor, and there is a lake! That's it! This is definitely a place to rest and relax after the crowds and activities at Glacier. There is nothing to do here except look at the trees and the lake. That's it! Here's a picture of the trees at our site and one of the lake. They told us that there might be some deer walking through tonight, but so far the only wildlife we have seen are the mosquitoes.

Lake McGregor is across the highway from our campground, but it's a private lake and there is only one little path down to the water.  It's a beautiful lake. We really need a boat to enjoy it, and there are no rentals here.  We took a drive this afternoon to Marion for some milk and found out that it's a really a small town. There's only  a gas station, a post office and the Baptist church. That's Marion.

Tomorrow we are going out exploring and try to find the "trophy" trout everyone is talking about.

Saturday, July 20, 2019


I guess we have seen everything there is to see here.  I know that's not really true, but sometime when you are on vacation you just have to slow down and take it easy.  That's what's happening today.  "Maybe we'll go for a bike ride, or maybe we'll go for a hike, maybe we'll even go whiskey tasting." But, no one could make up their minds, so here it is late afternoon and we've done absolutely NOTHING.

Well, not exactly nothing. They drove to Kalispell this morning to cruise the Costco for an hour. And I did make Kathe take me for a walk around the entire RV park just to get her nose out of her Kindle and out of the house.   Of course the washing machine was running all day, but that's no fun. I'm just happy that it's too cold outside for anyone to give me a bath, because you know that usually happens when they start cleaning things around here. It was only 53 this morning and it's still breezy with rain showers threatening this afternoon.

Tomorrow we move to Marion, Montana to McGregor Lakes for some more relaxing!

Friday, July 19, 2019


I sent Kathe and Jim on a bike ride this morning. I just settled down for a nap, not 10 minutes later they were back again. They hardly got started when it started to rain. I told them to shake it off and get back out there! They went right back out and rode 5 1/2 miles. Kathe stayed upright the whole ride. A new record!

This afternoon they all went for a drive on the Going to the Sun Road.  This time they started at West Glacier and drove east to Logan Pass.  The skies were gray but the views of the glaciers were incredible. They stopped several times along the way to take pictures.

When they reached Logan Pass there were several mountain goats having a snack on the
side of the mountain.  There were lots of people taking pictures, but that didn't seem to bother the goats.  Then it started to rain and snow, so it was time to drive back down the mountain.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Still not the greatest weather. I try to get Kathe to take me outside between the rain showers and we have been very lucky. Just when we get back inside the skies let loose, but we stay dry. All day long it's been a mix of sunny skies and rain showers.

After breakfast, once I settled in my favorite chair, the humans decided to take the 30 mile drive out of the Park to the little town of Polebridge.  I thought they were looking for wildlife.  But it seems that Warren and Kathe remembered a great bakery in Polebridge when they were here the last time. So, off they went in search of delicious pastry. They must have found some because they brought home several bags of sweet smelling stuff. They tried to continue north to Bowman Lake, but they were turned back at the ranger station. Parking there was already full to capacity so they had to turn around.

The next stop was Lake McDonald where they had a picnic lunch.  After that they did some shopping in the  historic Lake McDonald Lodge and watched the storm coming in across the lake. By the time they returned to camp, the sun was out again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Our first full day of rain!  It started just as we left East Glacier and has been raining most of the day.  The drive here was very scenic, lots of beautiful trees, rivers and lakes along both sides of Highway 2 all the way to West Glacier.

We arrived at the brand new West Glacier RV Park in the early afternoon. They have only been open 17 days. We had a couple of mishaps on the way, but we made it.  As we turned into West Glacier we had to go under a bridge that was marked 13'6". Oh boy, our coach is 13'4" and we were a little scared that we might get stuck.  Jim drove very slowly and I crossed my paws, and we made it with only a little scrape of the antenna.  Next thing we knew the GPS took us down a dead end instead of the park entrance. Then, both coaches had to unhook their tow cars and turn around.  Nerves were frazzled but we finally checked in to the park.

All that work was worth the effort even with the rain.  It is really beautiful here.  We look right out into a forest of pine trees, and everything here is quiet and peaceful. I love the view out the window, maybe a deer will come walking by tonight.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


The plan today was a drive Many Glacier road this morning and then to drive the upper portion of the Going to the Sun Road in the afternoon.  It didn't exactly work out.  The 12 mile drive to Many Glacier is through reservation land has many potholes and was extremely rough. The road travels along Sherburne Lake, and the farther you drive up the valley the more clearly you can see Grinnell and Salamander glaciers.  The only problem was that the closer we got to the entrance to Many Glacier the more cars were lining up.  The Ranger told everyone to turn around and come back another day.  By 10:30 this morning the road was closed to tourists.

Plan B: Start driving the Going to the Road from the East side to Logan Pass and forget about going all the way into Many Glaciers. Maybe tonight after dinner they will attempt it again. Going to the Sun Road was not as crowded and the drive was fantastic, even if the weather didn't cooperate. It was cloudy as they started up the mountain and became more cloudy as they drove up to Logan Pass.  There were mountain goats and marmots sighted on the hike up to the overlook. Many trails in Logan Pass area were closed due to bears in the area.  Just when they decided they should start back down to camp, it started to rain.  Me, I'm still inside, warm and dry.

Monday, July 15, 2019


I know you want to know what Kathe and Jim did today, but first I have tell you about my exciting morning.  At about 6 AM on my usual walk-about, I saw something I've not seen in any National Park.  It was a very big black kitty with wide white stripe down it's back.  I started to chase it, but for some reason Kathe woke up and pulled me back. I'm still trying to figure out which bush it is hiding under.  More tomorrow on my search.

The Kathies both had something in common on their bucket list. They wanted to experience High Tea at the legendary Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada. So, this
morning they all set off for the Canadian side of Glacier Park.

It only took about an hour to cross into Canada and drive to the Hotel.  Good thing they remembered their passports! Waterton Lakes is a beautiful Park, established in 1932 as the first international peace park. They arrived at the hotel few minutes before the Tea was served and secured a table overlooking the Waterton Lake.  The hotel was built in 1927 and started serving this High Tea in 1945 to celebrate the end of the war. The tea was a treat for all of them.  Lots of delicious sandwiches and pastries as well as some special English teas.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


They were gone again for the whole day.  Of course I didn't miss them one bit. I sat in Kathe's chair and watched the campground go by. It's really nice here in the morning once all the campers leave. No one around but the chipmunks and the robins, that's my kind of camping.

The adventure today was a trip to Two Medicine for a boat ride and a hike on the Twin Falls trail.  Two Medicine is about an hour drive from our campsite.  They arrived in time to have a picnic and do some shopping before boarding the boat which took them across Two Medicine Lake. The boat was the "Sinopah," a restored wooden boat that was first used here in Glacier in 1938. There were about 40 people on the boat and a guide that lead them on the 2 mile hike to the Twin Falls.

It was a very beautiful hike except for the thousands of mosquitoes that followed them up the trail.  People were slapping themselves silly the whole way to the falls.  Once they got to the falls it was all worth the struggle. They really were beautiful.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


We are here at the KOA in St. Mary's on the East side of Glacier.  The WiFi is sort of okay, but I don't have much to talk about.  We were warned that there was MAJOR construction on highway 89 and the Park informed us that we should take an alternate route on highway 494. As if the bumpy and winding roads weren't enough, that  added another hour to the trip. Kathy and Warren took a wrong turn at the entrance and had to circle back before we could check in together.  It was hot and dusty and Kathe was tired and crabby. Then, when we arrived at our sites we found out that our site was so slanted that we couldn't possible get level.  After a few trips to the front desk they finally moved us to a level site. We almost had an accident with the power post when we moved to the new site. We got our first scratch on the coach. Not too bad, but it could have been worse if Jim hadn't stopped in time.

Meanwhile, Warren and Kathy had problems of their own. One of their slide-outs started to come out crooked, but they quickly fixed that problem. No needless to say, we are just going to chill out and relax tonight.  Sightseeing tomorrow.

Friday, July 12, 2019


I'm late posting tonight, but they were playing cards and I couldn't get to my computer until everyone moved out of my way.

This morning, Warren cooked us all omelets for breakfast.  I had a taste of Kathe's with cheese and sausage and it was delicious.  Everyone sat around the breakfast table trying to decide what they wanted to do today.  Kathe decided that she would give me a bath while they were still trying to come up with a plan.  Good news, my bald spot is starting to grow little hairs, maybe by the time we get home I'll be back to my beautiful self.

Where did they decide to go? Warren wanted to take a drive, and Jim wanted an museum, so they headed out to the Old Montana Prison and History Museum, about 50 miles away.  There was a little confusion with the GPS and they first arrived at the real Montana Prison. Oops!

They turned around and soon found the old prison where they they spent the rest of the afternoon. Not only did they tour the abandoned prison, but included in the price of admission was an automobile museum with over 160 beautifully restored autos from 1800's to 1970.  The Kathies loved the Yesterdays Playthings exhibit across the street from the prison with dolls and trains from the 50's and 60's.

Don't worry if you don't hear from me tomorrow we're headed to Glacier National Park and may not have WiFi.
I'll do my best.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Everyone got up early this morning to take a boat tour on the Missouri River. They boarded the Sacajawea II for a cruise to the "Gates of the Mountains". This passage was discovered and named by Lewis and Clark as they rowed their boats down the deep channel of the Missouri on July 19, 1805. The magnificent limestone cliffs on either side of the river are over 1200 feet high.  On the tour they saw several bald eagles, osprey, and white penguins flying above and around the steep wooded canyons. The "Gates" appear to be closed until you are right upon them and then you see that there is a passage between the cliffs.

Later in the day in a halfhearted attempt to find a place to go fishing, they drove to to Black Sandy State Park and White Sandy Park where the Hauser Dam is supposed to be a great place to catch fish.  I really don't think that either Warren or Jim really want to go fishing.  There is always something not quite right about everyplace that might be a place to fish.  They spent more time looking at the fish in Costco this afternoon than they did looking for a fishing hole.