Saturday, July 21, 2018


This morning began with a trip to the Durango Farmers Market where Kathe and Jim bought all sorts of local fruits and vegetables. They got there too late for the Palisades peaches they were after but scored some later at a roadside stand. When we got back, Warren did some exploring on his own and found a guy picking choke-cherries across the highway. He picks them for wine and jams and has been picking them for the past 37 years.
Warren also discovered "Honeyland" a store about a mile north of our campground. They had everything honey! Honey wine, Vodka, and Whiskey, honey lotions, honey jams, honey barbecue sauce, mustard and dressings. I guess you get the picture, a whole store dedicated to honey stuff. They even had a live honey bee hive in the store. The bees enter through a tube on the roof and you can watch them through a glass wall in the store. Amazing place, it's been in Durango for 100 years!

After that adventure they drove to Haviland State Park to check out the Lake and the fishing. Neither of the guys looked too interested in the fishing prospects, but it was a pretty drive. This is a picture of the cliffs that run all along the highway across from our campground and around the area of Haviland Lake. 

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