Friday, July 6, 2018


I really like it here in Central City.  It was so cool this morning that Jim had to put on the heat before we could get out of bed.  I think I could stay here forever. Did I mention the millions of chipmunks running all over the place? Paradise!

This whole area was once a huge gold and silver mining district. Rich deposits were found in the 1800's and many saloons and gambling establishments were soon built here. While there are still several historic mines to visit here, the area now known for it's many casinos. There are seven casinos in Central City and twelve a mile away in the town of Blackhawk.

Today Kathe and Jim took Warren and Kathy down the mountain to check out the tiny town of Central City. There's a narrow brick Main Street with a few stores, a post office and many casinos. The first casino they went into still had old style slot machines that actually took and paid out coins. Haven't seen that in a long time.

Later they drove to Nevadaville, a ghost town above Central City where an old mine is still standing, you can see many piles of mine tailings on the hillsides here and all over the town. The highlight of the afternoon was at a casino in Blackhawk where Kathy T. won $804.00 on a poker machine. Champagne for everyone!

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