Wednesday, July 4, 2018


This has been the best Fourth of July of my life! Fireworks are banned here due to the extreme fire conditions. I'm very happy, no thunder shirts required and absolutely no calming pills needed. Just a nice quiet evening in camp. There is a laser light show in town with virtual fireworks, but no one wants to go anywhere tonight. It's just too nice here.

And no one wanted to go anywhere during the day either. It's so nice that we stayed home all day and just relaxed. We walked down to the river several times to watch the river rafters, kayaks, and paddle boards glide by. Tonight after supper we saw some deer drinking on the other side of the river.

There is a fire burning twenty miles away from us tonight, so as great as this place is I'm glad we are moving northeast tomorrow. Hopefully there will be less smoke and lower temperatures in the Denver area.

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