Sunday, July 8, 2018


Another day, another adventure. Today the crew decided that they wanted to go fishing. Our next door neighbors told us that they caught 8 trout at Golden Gate State Park yesterday so that got Jim and Warren's attention.  When they asked about that Lake when they were purchasing fishing licenses, no one had heard of it. So they went to Urad Lake as recommended, where "everyone" catches fish.

It was up another rocky and bumpy road for miles, then there was a steep hill to climb, but it was worth the effort. As soon as they got settled Jim threw in a line and pulled out the first trout. It went on like that with Kathy, Warren and Jim pulling out fish after fish until they caught the limit. They caught enough rainbows and cutthroat trout for a nice dinner tonight. Kathe took some pictures!
Just now as the fish and potatoes are about to be fried there is a hail storm pounding down on us. Don't worry it's only pea size hail, but it sure made enough noise to scare us all. We have had a rain storm every night at about this time, it just lasts for a few minutes and passes over the mountains. Hopefully
this storm will pass by quickly.

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