Thursday, July 26, 2018


Not much to report today. Kathe wasted the whole morning at the beauty shop, so the rest of us just hung out, waiting until she got home. I must say it was worth the wait, her hair was so long she looked like a golden retriever, and now she looks human again.

The big excursion today was a drive into Taos for some shopping and lunch. I don't think they bought anything but groceries and dog food. While they were gone we had another big hail storm. Everyday day it's usually a torrential downpour so this was a little different and louder too.  There are great mud puddles for me to run through and even a little snow, so the weather is not a total loss in my opinion. Did I mention the dog park is fabulous here, even in the rain. Today I played with 3 Yorkies and a Border Collie, it doesn't get much better than that.

I wish I had more to report, but this week is supposed to be a resting week. Nothing much except laundry, grooming and shopping. Oh yes, and resting! Here's a picture of me in front of some of the flowers in the campground.

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