Saturday, July 14, 2018


We only had a short drive today from Gunnison to Montrose, Colorado. We drove to the end of the Gunnison Lake and down hill through some really spectacular canyons. We're camped very close to Black Canyon National Park which we will visit tomorrow.

We are at a lower elevation here so it's much warmer and we needed to turn the air conditioning on as soon as we hooked up. The couple in the trailer next to us scared us with dire warnings of little black bugs that were getting into "everything." They warned us not to open the door or we would have thousands of bugs in the coach. We have been here since noon and only seen one bug. Guess they didn't want our big coach parked next to them for three days.

The campground is a little disappointing, kind of dusty and the dog park is really only a weed patch. But the town is larger than any we have stayed in since Flagstaff, so we will take advantage of the many stores and I guess that means haircuts for all the humans and grooming for all us doggies. Ugh!

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