Wednesday, July 12, 2017


I know somethings up!  We're leaving tomorrow on what Kathe is calling the Total Eclipse Tour.  I'm a little worried that they might forget me so I'm sitting on one of their suitcases with my "worried" look.

There are all kinds of boxes and bags lined up in the hallway so I know the trip we've been thinking about is about to begin.  They are calling this the Eclipse Tour, but as far as I can see they are planning a two month trip around a five minute event.  I sure hope that it's not a cloudy day.  Maybe they just didn't want to tell people that we are going to Idaho and Oregon AGAIN!.

I do wish they were a little more creative, but we are going to some different places in Idaho and Oregon on this trip.  Now that Jim has the Jeep he wants to explore some of the back roads in the National Forests.  That's fine with me because I get to enjoy the fun.  It's not like when they go hiking and I have to stay home, in the Jeep I can ride in bumpy comfort in the back seat.  And, it's air conditioned!

Boy, are we ready to have some fun!

1 comment:

  1. Annie you are an amazing Blogger. I really enjoy your point of view and all of the information that you share! Travel safe young lady! xoxoxo Auntie Linda
