Monday, July 24, 2017


We drove almost 200 miles today from Idaho into Washington, and then down into Oregon.  Our destination was the Wallowa River RV Resort in Wallowa, Oregon.  The drive was a frightening experience!  We drove on Highway 129 in Washington which turns into Highway 3 in Oregon.  It was a steep climb to almost 5000 feet on the edge of a mountain the whole way up.  Turns and turns and hairpin turns upon hairpin turns.  Kathe sure can pick them!

Once we reached the RV Park the park host tried to get Jim into a site between a huge rock and a big tree.  Kathe jumped out and yelled "STOP" just in time.  Jim went around the park and backed into the "pull-through" site.  Then once we started to hook up we realized that she put us in the wrong site.  They told us that we will have to move tomorrow to the "right" site.  But tonight we are just going to relax and enjoy the scenery.  There is a ranch with several horses right across from our site and the Wallowa river runs through the park behind us. 

Too tired to do much exploring tonight but there is lots to see and do here.  Oh, and the cell tower is up on that mountain right above us.


  1. Annie, She probably has seen it, but tell that lady you pal around with to look at this:

  2. Annie, She probably has seen it, but tell that lady you pal around with to look at this:
