Wednesday, July 19, 2017


After we had a good nights sleep we woke up to a fantastic view of the Payette River.  We have stayed at this resort several times and are always so happy to be back.  We weren't supposed to have a site on the river this year, but due to a cancellation, here we are.  Finally, something is working out for us.

Kathe took this picture looking down at the lake from the front of our site. Just a few minutes before there was a deer on the lawn munching on the grass.  By the time she got the camera out he hopped away.  Jim saw another deer tonight but we missed that one too.

Later this morning Jim's friend Bob drove up to McCall with his new ATV.  The guys set out for an adventure on the forest trails near Brundage Ski Resort north of McCall.  This was a new experience for both of them but they really had fun.  They returned home covered in mud from head to toe and smiling so I guess they will repeat the experience.  It was too muddy for Kathe and I so we spent the day doing chores.

Of course the first order of business was a dunk in the kitchen sink for me.  My hair was dirty from the Freightliner shop.  All those pats from those greasy mechanics didn't help my coiffure one bit.

Kathe had a bunch of other stuff to do around the house, but when she finished we went for a nice long walk around the park.

Kathe and Jim may like all the pine trees and the mountain views, but the real reason I like it here is the wildlife.  On one walk alone I saw 3 squirrels, 2 chipmunks, a robin, a blue jay and some sneaky little black birds.  This is the life!


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