Thursday, July 20, 2017


 Right after breakfast this morning I went for a ride in the car to help Kathe take the garbage to the dumpster. When we returned our house had  moved.  They tricked me.  I thought we were going up the highway today to White Bird, but instead they booked one more night here in McCall.   Our big move?  From site # 82 to site #79.  It didn't even smell different to me!

Well, you can see that our view of the river is better from here, we are looking down instead of up. Tonight is really our last night here although we are all wishing that we could have stayed longer.  Our next campsite is in a really small town right on the banks of the Salmon River.  The population of the town of White Bird is 91, so we are making sure we bring everything we'll need for the next few days.

After lunch today Kathe and Jim went to Lake Payette State Park and took a walk along Lake Payette.  They used to camp there along time ago when they had a smaller motor home and have fond memories of those times.  They saw a deer resting on the trail and Kathe stopped to pick some huckleberries.  Below is a picture of the Lake.

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