Friday, July 28, 2017


Are you tired of hearing about the dreaded "check engine" light? Well, I am.  This morning they got ME up at 6 AM for yet another trip to Freighliner to see if we could get things fixed for once and for all.  We were only there for 3 hours and we had a combustion check on the cooling system and passed with flying colors. They drained the system and filled us up with new coolant, so keep your paws crossed that the problem is solved.  By the way, I met the nicest trucker in the lounge who let me sit on his lap for a few pats, so it wan't a total loss for me.

Later as I stayed home in air conditioned comfort, Kathe and Jim went exploring  to the Blue Mountain Crossing Interpretive Center.  It was an easy trail that took them alongside some of the best preserved and scenic traces of the Oregon Trail.  Jim got to have a little hike in the pine trees and Kathe got a little history lesson.  Of course no dogs were allowed, even though I'm sure there were dogs on the trail back in the 1840's.  Maybe I should look into buying one of those fake service dog vests on the internet!

After that excursion, Kathe and Jim drove to Catherine's Creek to take another short hike.  Just as they reached the trail head it started to pour big drops of rain. Pity the poor tent campers who had just set up in the Catherine's Creek Campground.

On the way back to our coach Kathe and Jim stopped at the Hot Lake Springs Hotel for a quick tour. The hot springs produces 3 million gallons of 208 degree water per day and is the largest spring of it's kind in the world.

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