Wednesday, July 26, 2017


It looked like it might rain when Kathe and Jim set out for another adventure in the town of Joseph this morning.  Jim was determined that they go for a hike in the Wallowa State Park and take the Tramway up the mountain.  Kathe was determined that she was going to find the Arrowhead Chocolate Shop and have a nice lunch in town.

The Wallowa Tramway is a 3,700 ft gondola ride to the summit of Mount Howard.  It's said to be the steepest gondola in North America and it climbs the face of the mountain.  Kathe was hanging on to her seat with her eyes closed and Jim was standing up taking pictures!

Once they reached the summit of the mountain at 8,150 feet the views were spectacular. It was a little overcast so the pictures aren't real clear but  there were snow capped mountains in every direction. They took a hike on the purple trail where the Lupine were blooming all over the place.  Just as they reached the Valley Overlook it started raining.

They stopped on the way home for some hand made chocolates in Joseph at the Arrowhead Coffee Shop.  Then it was time for lunch at the Terminal Gravity Brew Pub in the town of Enterprise.  The brewery describes itself as "the Middle of Nowhere/Center of the Universe" and the place was packed for lunch. The grass fed beef burgers must have been really good as no one thought to bring anything home for me.

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