Saturday, June 30, 2018


We left Moab and the Spanish Trails RV Resort this morning at about 11:00. We only had a short drive to our next stop, the James M. Robb State Park in Colorado. Captain Jim was at the helm, and we arrived at one minute after 1:00, exactly at check in time.  The campground is along the Colorado River, and if you look hard enough at the picture of our coach you can see the Colorado National Monument in the background. More about that tomorrow. 

We have camped here before and we really like this place.  There are large sites, lots of trees and beautiful lawns for dog walking. It's not even that hot here! In the mid nineties with a cool breeze off the river.  It's supposed to get down into the sixties tonight. Nice.

Today we did absolutely nothing worth writing about. Everyone is just lazy. They are acting like this is a vacation or something. No long drives to go sight seeing today, the lounge chairs are already out and so is the wine.

We did have a little problem getting one of the bedroom slides to open straight. With Warren's help the two guys figured it out and everything is okay now! Never a dull moment with an RV.

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