Saturday, June 16, 2018


Here we are, starting out on another adventure.  We're planning to travel to 4 states in the next 2 months so you can understand that I was really excited when I saw the suitcases being packed last night.  In fact I was so excited to be going on a long trip in the new motor home that I woke Kathe and Jim at 5:00 AM this morning.

Unfortunately, by the time they got their fannies in gear and loaded up the motor home it was half past noon.  So, tonight we are staying in Needles, CA after a six hour long drive through the desert.

Needles, really! Dry, Hot, Dusty, Windy--they call this a vacation? Things have got to get better tomorrow, but at least we have a river view site.
I heard the next stop is Flagstaff. Looking forward to cooler temperatures and a little rain.
There's nothing to do here, so I guess I'll jump in bed.

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