Sunday, June 17, 2018


I knew things would be better once we reached Flagstaff, and I wasn't wrong.  We are camped under the trees at high altitude and it's cool and breezy.  I've already done a walk about the whole park and although there isn't much in the way of wildlife, I'll give this place 4 paws up!

The best part?  My friend Gianni and his new sister, Bella are camped right next door.  Oh, of course they brought their humans along.  Somebody had to drive.  Warren and Kathy are my special pals too!  Warren is making a tri-tip for dinner tonight in his new smoker and I bet us doggies will get a taste. I like Warren, he give treats under the dinner table when he thinks no one's looking.We're going to travel with these guys for the next two months so we have lots of adventures planned together.  Warren and Kathy bought a new Phaeton coach the same week that we bought ours. I took a picture of the two motor homes side by side under the trees.  We have a neat place in between our spots for partying, and I plan to do a lot of that because we are here for five nights!

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