Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I'm not feeling my tip top best today. I guess the heat and the altitude are getting to me. I'm glad that I stayed home today because Kathe and Jim went on a very wild adventure with Warren and Kathy.

They took 4 hour drive in the Jeep to the Islands of the Sky.  It was miles of winding dirt and rock roads through Canyonlands National Park. I'm sure I wouldn't have liked that.  They loved it.  Here is a picture of the road taken from the top of Islands in the Sky looking down on the jeep trail that they took. Yikes! It looks scary.

Earlier that morning they stopped at the "Indian Writings"  turn off and took pictures of the petroglyph images dating from before 1250 AD. Most of the images could be seen from the road stretching for about 125 feet. Jim climbed up to the top of a cliff to take this picture.

There was also a very steep trail on the side of a cliff that led to some dinosaur footprints that Jim and Warren climbed to take a picture.  It just looked like a blob of plaster to me. I can make better paw prints with my eyes closed.

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