Thursday, June 28, 2018


I'm feeling much better today, I'm eating and drinking again, so I guess everyone can relax. It's so hot here that you wish that you didn't have to wear a fur coat all the time. Today it's still over 100 degrees and there is a fierce wind, it feels like you are inside an oven. Too bad they don't let doggies in the pool here. I have a good idea, why don't they put a doggie swimming pool in every dog  park?

While I'm at home staying as cool as possible, those silly humans went to Arches National Park and did some hiking. It was very hot even with the winds, so the hikes were only very short ones to take some photos of the arches and crazy formations in the Park.

We have been here before, but I guess this old stuff never really gets old! Balance Rock is still balancing and hasn't crashed down on the hundreds of tourists below.  Of all the arches in the Park the Double Arches still remain as amazing as ever.

We are going to barbecue chicken tonight and it's my job to convince everyone that I'm well enough to eat people food again. Wish me luck.

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