Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lazy Day in Polson

We spent a very lazy day here in Polson today. No one got up this morning until 9:30, so by the time Kathe took me to the dog park, showered and ate breakfast it was 11 AM.  Kathe suggested that we go to the museum here in town, but Jim said he has seen enough pioneer artifacts for a while.

It looked like it might rain today, but Jim took a bike ride anyway.  Kathe did a couple of loads of wash, wrote in her journal and played games on the computer.  I took a nice long nap.  All this traveling is getting to me and it was nice to have a day of rest.  Jim returned an hour later just as the rain was starting.

When it cleared up Kathe and I went for a walk around the grounds and we sat outside and enjoyed the view from our patio of Flathead Lake and the Rocky Mountains.

Just another day in paradise!

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