Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Jim

Today was Jim's birthday so we just took it easy and relaxed.  Okay, so we were lazy bums today. We stayed in bed until 10 AM and then we ate cinnamon buns that Kathe made for breakfast. Jim received many telephone birthday wishes and wants me to thank everyone for
remembering him.

We didn't get going today until after lunch time, so there isn't too much to report about our day. We are still in Garryowen and the weather has been very,very warm.  I was happy to stay to stay home in the air conditioning and play with my zebra while Kathe and Jim went to the Custer Battlefield Museum.  They saw many of the artifacts that were discovered in the area when the National Park Service was building the Monument and Visitor Center.  Lots of interesting things were found like buckles, rifles, gun shell, and uniform buttons.  Some weird stuff too, like a chuck of George Armstrong Custer's hair that some one carried around in a leather case before giving it to the museum.  There were also some really great photographs of well known American Indians like Sitting Bull and other tribal leaders which were taken in the late 1800's.

After visiting the museum it was time for lunch in the Trading Post.  Jim had a buffalo burger and Kathe had chicken noodle soup with Indian fry bread and honey.

We have been on the Crow Reservation so long that we have taken Indian names.  They call me, "One who seeks shade" because every time they take me out to pee all I want to do is find a spot in the shade and sit down.  Kathe is called, "She who sweats," for obvious reasons.  Jim's name is "Eats Anything" because he has eaten Elk, Buffalo, and Kathe's cooking without complaint.

Here is a picture of the campground from the ridge above us.  You can see our coach with our Escape in front and the bikes on the roof.  It really was a beautiful place to camp.

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