Sunday, July 22, 2012

Louie Lake

I don't care about biking, hiking, fishing, kayaking, or riding around the lake in a motorboat.  I don't even want to play ball. All I really want to do is chase squirrels.  I want to catch one and bite it's head off.  Kathe takes me for long walks and I see plenty of the furry little devils, but I can't seem to get close enough to get one.  This morning two of them ran right up the pine tree and actually laughed at me.  A sad state of affairs.  I am practicing killing them using my stuffed bunny rabbit, shaking it until it's neck snaps.  Just you wait, Mr. Squirrel!

Anyway, Kathe and Jim went off this morning and left me AGAIN!  This time they met Richard , Darlene, Dave, and Janet and went for a hike to Louie Lake.  It was a very steep climb, and the three guys went ahead of the gals and promptly lost the trail.  Luckily, Janet knew the way and everybody eventually got back together.  The guys brought fishing poles and the gals brought lunch.  Richard was carrying the beer in his back pack, and one of the bottles exploded and squirted all over the place.  Little Lake Louie was beautiful and quiet, there were only a few other hikers on the trail and hardly any fishermen.

Jim caught two rainbow trout and three rocks.  Dave caught five fish, so Richard owes them both five dollars!  None of the fish were large enough to keep so they will be cooking a pork tenderloin for dinner tonight.

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