Monday, July 16, 2012

Pictures Worth 1000 Words

We have been in a dark, dark, hole for two days, no cell service, no Internet no Direct TV and worst of all no doggie park.  We just spent two days in Glacier Meadow RV Resort and Train Depot.  The trains went by every hour on the hour all day and night long.

We spent time in the beautiful West Glacier area for the last two days, but I was unable to write about the experience.  Jim did, however take lots of pictures which he wanted to share with you. This is what it was like when they were driving on the "Going to the Sun Road" the day before yesterday. There were mountain goats clinging to the cliffs and scenery was unbelievable.

Yesterday they took a hike to Lake McDonald Falls and John's Lake.

The blog won't let me post more than four or five pictures, so you will have to wait till we get home and then we can bore the heck out of you!

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