Thursday, July 5, 2012

Turkey Day

All day long today we were visited by turkeys.
I did my best to chase them away, but they kept coming back.  Jim was chasing them with his camera and finally caught a couple of them on the grass.

There were a dozen or so and they walked through our campground, then over to the farm behind us, then back through the campground again.  They made this trip three or four times today.  One of the our neighbors was roasting a turkey for lunch.  I wonder?

Jim spent the morning washing the motor home, then he took our tow car to the car wash thus insuring that it will rain today.  Like magic, it started thundering, then lightening, then the great downpour started just as he returned.

They toured the interior of the Occidental Hotel and the adjoining Saloon and Virginian Restaurant today, and learned quite a bit about it's history.  The hotel was first built in 1879 and it was the only first class hotel in Wyoming at the time.  Famous visitors included Buffalo Bill Cody, Calamity Jame, Teddy Roosevelt and Butch Cassey and the Sundance Kid.  Owen Wister, the author of The Virginian, stayed here frequently and wrote about the hotel in his novels.  The hotel was restored in 1997 and it is now on the National Geographic Traveler Magazine's,"Must Stay List."

Kathe and Jim had a very nice dinner tonight in the Virginian.  Jim had a delicious Elk tenderloin, while Kathe stuck to the house special, beef steak. It felt to them that they were in an old western movie set, complete with the bullet holes in the doorway.

Tomorrow it is off to Garryowen, Montana and the Battle of Little Big Horn.

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