Sunday, July 8, 2012

Missouri Headwaters

Today we arrived in Three Forks, Montana in time for a late lunch.  We drove over 240 miles on the I-90, passing cattle ranches and corn fields and a lot of wide open space.  Our home for the night is the Three Forks Camp, another beautiful campground in the middle of nowhere.  There are lots of shade trees here and large grassy picnic areas between the sites.  There are some chickens and a rooster nearby, I heard the cock-a-doodle-doo this afternoon.

Because we arrived so late and are only planning to stay one night, we couldn't do too much sight seeing today.  We drove out to the Three Forks State Park to see the place where the Missouri River begins.  This is the confluence of the Gallatin, Jefferson, and the Madison Rivers.  All three rivers combine and the great Missouri begins it's journey to the Gulf of Mexico. The first written account of the formation of the Headwaters came from the journals of Meriwether Lewis in 1805 when Lewis and Clark were exploring the area trying to find a water route to the Pacific Ocean.

Today, being a warm Sunday afternoon, there were lots of people and dogs floating down all three rivers in rafts and inner tubes.  Wish we had more time here, it looked like a lot of fun.

We discovered a mechanical issue tonight with the motor home.  A seal on the front passenger wheel was leaking fluid.  We don't know yet if this is just a loose cap, or if the brake pads have been damaged.  We have an appointment tomorrow at 8 AM with the local diesel mechanic who seemed very helpful on the phone.  Keep your fingers crossed that we can move on tomorrow morning to Helena.

I don't think it looks like rain, but Jim is out washing the motor home again!

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