Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Enjoying McCall Idaho

Today is our last day in Idaho, and believe me all the days have been FULL!  Kathe and Jim barely have time to walk me and feed me because they are doing stuff everyday.  Most evenings they get home too late or they drink too many Margaritas to help me with my blog.  So today I wanted to write it before they go out to dinner, again!

Yesterday morning we were out having coffee, and I was minding my own business when a bald eagle flew right by and landed in the pine tree across the river from us.  It was very exciting, but now Kathe is watching me like a hawk while the "hawk" is watching me.

I have been trying to make friends with the little black dog next door, but so far he just stays in his yard and just stares at me.  I asked Jim what breed he was, and I found out he's a "ceramic."  I guess those aren't a friendly breed.

Jim and Kathe went for a hike yesterday on the Lily Pond Trail in Ponderosa Park.  It was quiet and peaceful in the shade of the Ponderosa pine trees. After the hike they found a huckleberry patch and picked enough berries to make a cobbler for dinner.

Today they packed a lunch and rented kayaks for four hours of fun on Lake Payette.  Darlene, Richard, Janet, and Dave knew exactly the perfect place to launch the boats.  Then they paddled upriver for a couple of hours before finding the perfect picnic spot.

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