Sunday, June 24, 2012

Weally Windy Wyoming

As I write this we are having a thunder storm and it's really windy and rainy.  I am wearing my "Thunder Shirt" which is helping a little with my anxiety.  Jim has pulled in the slide out so that the slide topper doesn't rip in the wind while Kathe continues to write about my day.

I know that when they strip the bed it's wash day!  This means that they do the laundry and I get a bath.  It's not  so bad, Kathe sticks me in the kitchen sink and can usually wash and dry me in about 20 minutes.  After that I have to fix my hair the way I like it, cause she never gets it right.

After my ordeal, I took a nap and they went out sight seeing.  Today they went to the Wyoming Frontier Prison.  The pictures looked terrible, so I am only posting a funny one.  The prison was built in 1900 and was state-of-the-art for the time.  It had 104 cells, no electricity or running water, and inadequate heating.  More cells and facilities were added as needed, including hot water which was not installed in 1978.  The hour long tour took them through the cell block, the cafeteria, showers (cold), death row, the gallows, and the gas chamber which was built in 1937.  The prison was in operation until 1981 when a new prison was built on the other side of town.

Later that day Kathe and Jim toured the downtown main street murals of Rawlins.  The 12 murals were created by local artists and highlight the history and natural beauty of south central Wyoming.

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