Friday, June 22, 2012

Rock Springs, Wyoming

It was another long driving day today.  Kathe says we can't get where we want to go unless we stay on schedule, so we were up this morning at 7 so we could be on the road by the crack of 10 AM.  No one moves too fast in morning in this group.

We drove 217 miles today, mostly through ranch and farmland until we reached the high desert area of Rock Springs.  Highway 80 is a
major route for the big rigs, and
we saw plenty of them speeding past us at 75 mph.

Rock Springs was once a stage stop on the Oregon Trail before becoming a major coal mining area. The main attraction here is the Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area.  We took the car out to the Gorge this afternoon, but unfortunately the light was too flat to get any really great photographs.  Here are the best of the bunch.

The RV park is very crowded and the rigs are spaced about 6 feet apart.  It's also very, very windy and they advised us when we checked in to screw on our ball caps and not to open our awnings.  I saw a doormat fly by us and Jim's sunglasses blew right off his face. That's windy!

On a happy note, the dog park is wonderful, complete with GRASS and gopher holes.

Here I am enjoying a rawhide bone tonight while Kathe transcribes my blog.

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