Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Lusk at Dusk

Today we drove from Cheyenne to Lusk, Wyoming, taking the scenic route up State route 85.  Along the first 50 or 70 miles we passed many large cattle ranches and then as we got closer to the Nebraska state line we started to see acres of corn fields.

We pulled into the BJ Campground in Lusk this afternoon around 2:00.  The park is very small, only 22 sites, but the owner greeted us with a smile, and a question.  She said, "Why the heck are you staying here 2 nights? There's nothing to see here except the Stagecoach Museum, and that will take about an hour.  I'm not kicking you out, but you should leave tomorrow and spend more time in the Black Hills."

Lusk was as once a stop on the Cheyenne to Deadwood City stage line, but today, if you blink you will miss it.  So, we are taking her advice and leaving tomorrow morning.

Jim took a bike ride this afternoon while Kathe toured the Stagecoach Museum.  Here are a few pictures from the Museum.  Their claim to fame is the original stage coach from the "Black Hills Line".  It was built in 1860.  Most of the Museum looks like some one's attic with tons of stuff like old clothes, dishes, an iron lung, guns, and my personal favorite, the two headed calf.

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