Friday, June 29, 2012

Crazy Horse, Crazy Day

This is going to be a short post.  I got into some really sticky stickers trying to chase a bird in the grass tonight,  I had to have another bath because my hair was so sticky,  I think I will be bald by the time we get home.

We woke up early this morning and the sun was a red ball on the horizon because of all the smoke in the air.  By 7:30 it was clear again, so we drove to Mount Rushmore to get the "perfect" picture in the morning sun.  Jim was happy with his final picture and even happier that he made it back to camp in time for the pancake breakfast.

Later in the morning Kathe and Jim drove toward the town of Custer to see the Crazy Horse Memorial. They have been working on this sculpture since 1948 and when it is completed it will be the largest sculpture in the world.  To give you an idea of the size, all 4 of the Presidents on Rushmore would fit on the forehead of Crazy Horse. It will be 563 feet high when completed.

They went to lunch in Custer at the famous "Purple Pie Place" and ate blackberry pie with homemade ice cream.

After lunch they took a drive in Custer State Park on the Needles Highway.  There were several small tunnels carved in the rocks that you could drive through.  They waited to see if one of the tour buses would squeeze through the tunnel which was only 8' wide and 12' high.  He made it!

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