Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Deer Creek State Park

Kathe shot this picture of a dog riding on a motorcycle in the park this morning before we left Cedar City.  When they stopped for the picture the dog put his arm around his driver and posed for us.  Talk about a dog's life

We arrived here at Deer Creek late yesterday after a hairy ride through Provo and up highway 189 which was under construction and seemed like a roller coaster ride for miles and miles up the mountain.

Our campsite is a large one and we have great views of the lake from our windows.  There was a little problem with the water last night but we should have it turned back on by today.  Just means that I won't have to have a bath for a few more days.  We're saving water, don't you know.

The campground has posted to be beware of bears, I haven't seen any of those, but I am having a wonderful time tracking the ground squirrels and chasing away the birds.  It was in the 80's during the day and down to 45 last night. Perfect!

Jim left for a bike ride this morning as we discovered a trail that runs along the entire west side of the Lake.  I asked him to take some pictures for my blog tomorrow.

Hot dog! Jim's cooking steaks tonight!

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