Sunday, September 17, 2023


We have been here at Coyote Valley RV resort now for two nights and we ain’t done nothing! I guess that we all needed a break from all the excitement of being in Lake Tahoe, but it doesn’t make my job as blogger very easy when there is nothing to write about.

First of all, the site we are in is too small. We are packed in like sardines. We don’t fit in the site and the bikes are squished into the shrubbery.  And it was so tight we had to decide if we wanted to open the door or park the car in the site. We parked the car somewhere else. The Taylor’s site is a bit worse as they are parked directly across from the office which is busy all day. The park is really very beautiful with two pools and two dog parks, but with us booking so late we didn’t have any options. We are making the best of it.

First night we we all so tired from the drive that we did nothing but eat dinner and sleep. Yesterday was Saturday and they all got up early to go to the Farmers Market in Morgan Hill. It was a great market with all kinds of produce and cooked specialties. There was also a small craft market and beer tasting area on the opposite side of the city plaza. Apparently, Morgan Hill is very popular with the young families that work nearby in San Jose. Last night my humans had an interesting dinner at the Crab Broil, they said it was research for the upcoming rally in Pismo Beach.

Today, nothing is planned, just sleeping for me, googling for Jim and reading for Kathe. If  anything else happens, I’ll let you know.

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