Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Okay friends let's pretend it is last night. Things got a little out of my control and I couldn't get to the computer until this morning. Something to do with a thing called a Sunset Martini!

We had a spectacular drive yesterday from Tahoe to Angels Camp. We drove for miles through the Sierras with nothing but tall pine trees and beautiful blue lakes out my window. We drove past a few little "resort" towns, with tiny hotels and a lot of teeny tiny campgrounds for tents and small motor homes. But it wasn't an easy drive, lots of hairpin turns and climbing up and down altitudes of over 7000 feet and back down and up again. My ears were popping! We finally reached Angels Camp Resort after five hours of hard driving and everyone including me was ready for a restful evening. 

Our sites are right next to each other under the trees. As a matter of fact, Jim couldn't pull into our site until they chopped off some large branches which were hitting the top of our coach. We have a nice space in between our rigs for our chairs and a picnic table. The weather is great and it's so nice to eat outdoors for a change, you never have to worry, something always falls to the ground for Bella, Gianni or me. 

More later after the planned excursions today to the town of Murphys and the Calaveras Big Trees.

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