Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Not too far from Angels Camp are two very interesting State Parks. Today my humans went to both of them while I protected the motorhome.

First up was the Columbia State Historic Park which is also a National Historic Landmark. The park is an actual town that has been preserved with restaurants and shops. Walking the street there was like going back in time to the gold rush days. The people in the shops are dressed in period costumes. The town was originally built in 1854 and restored twice due to devastating fires. They had a great lunch in the old hotel dining room before moving on to the next State Park.

The Calaveras Big Trees State Park was established in 1931 to preserve a mixed conifer forest with two groves of giant sequoias. The trees are magnificent, the largest trees in the world! There is a self-guided trail through the grove of trees, and you feel very small just being next to them.

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