Sunday, September 10, 2023


Last night was very exciting. We know that bears are frequently in the campground. We've heard them and seen the evidence, but last night we actually saw one walking around in the dark. One of the tent camping families had their food stolen right out of their truck. Everyone was warned to keep the food locked away, but I guess they didn't believe it would happen to them. Needless to say, we are on high alert whenever Kathe and I go out for our walks. 

Today the humans went to Emerald Bay State Park to hike to a waterfall. It was a pretty long drive to the trailhead and there were so many tourists that parking was a problem. Kathe took a picture of Emerald Lake from the edge of the cliff.

Later, Warren, Kathy T, and Jim decided to hike to Eagle Falls. My Kathe started out on the hike but became winded and decided to sit that one out. I guess hiking at altitude is pretty difficult for her. She had fun watching the people starting up the trail, but so many turned around just like she did.  Our humans enjoyed the hike all the way to the top.

They decided to forgo the picnic lunch that they brought and drove to Tahoe City for lunch at a bar and grill. The weather was perfect, and they ate lunch outdoors overlooking the lake. Great day!

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