Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Glad we made it. It was a long and very scary drive from Red Bluff to South Lake Tahoe. Totally worth the drive. We have two awesome sites together on the edge of the campground surrounded by huge pine trees. 

Not much to report as we didn't get here until 4:00 after driving for five hours. Most of the drive was on the interstate. If you think Los Angeles traffic is bad, Sacramento traffic is even worse. So happy that Kathy T. and Jim are such good drivers, and that we arrived safely. I was so scared with all the curves on highway 50 that I spent most of the ride on Kathe's lap trying to remain upright.

Looking forward to spending six nights here. Only one problem, Kathe is worried about the wild animals. The camp host told us that black bears and coyotes frequently roam around the park. She said they were looking for food, so I hope that doesn't mean me. 

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