Thursday, September 14, 2023


Very warm here today. It was over 100 degrees when we woke up this morning and it really never got any cooler until tonight.  We are still the only 2 coaches in the resort, but they say that tomorrow things will change, and all the sites will be full. 

Today the humans went to the town of Murphy, which was one of the richest boom towns in the mid 1800's.  Today it's a cute little tourist trap with lots of shops, restaurants, and places to taste local wines. My humans spent the whole day shopping in every little store for treasures. Lots of shopping bags filled with clothing, kitchen tools and specialty foods. A fun day.

They stopped for lunch at the Pour House Restaurant for a picnic lunch in the shade before setting out for some wine tasting. They tasted some really good which were gold medal winners at the local county fair. They even bought a few to take back home. Unfortunately, someone forgot to close the hatchback and one of the bottles crashed into the street as they were driving away. What a mess, Kathe, Warren, and another local woman swept up the glass and they were on their way again. I spent the day in my usual way, curled up on the passenger seat, in the cool air-conditioned coach.

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