Saturday, August 1, 2020


I told you yesterday that I wasn't feeling tip top. I was really quite sick, I didn't even want any treats or dinner or even a drink of water. Kathe got so worried that she called the vet back home and they think I picked up a bug from the lake somewhere in the last couple of days. Now I have to take a terrible tasting pill twice a day. I already feel better--bring on those treats!

We arrived a Diamond Lake RV Resort this afternoon and we are all loving it. Our site is in the pine trees and we are minutes away from a beautiful lake. This is a picture from the front window. There are tons of chipmunks and squirrels running all over the place. Gianni and I are going to work together to catch one of those little buggers. We have 6 whole days to do it.

For the humans there is trout fishing, boating, hiking and lots of Jeep trails. Jim lined up a party boat for Tuesday so there may even be some fish  frying in the future.
Of course the internet is horrible, but Jim put the booster on the roof, otherwise I wouldn't be  able to write this tonight. Phone service is non existent here, but the humans can text and send emails, so its not exactly the end of the world!

And the Lake is beautiful!

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