A great, but curvy drive from Diamond Lake to the I-5 in Roseburg, Oregon. We are on our way south and it was nice to spend almost the whole morning in the pine trees. We won't see those big trees again for a while, and I'll miss my chipmunks.

We arrived at Seven Feathers RV Resort, in Cayonville, Oregon, one of the best RV resorts in North America according to Good Sam. It really is beautiful, with every amenity a camper could want. Only problem is with Covid all bets are off. Kathe and Jim usually come here to gamble at the huge casino, but not this time. They will just have to find something else to do. Speaking of which, without Kathe and Warren, my humans don't seem to know what to do with themselves. It's hard to write a blog when there is nothing to write about.
First thing Jim did when we got here this afternoon was to get a haircut. He got scalped! Really, now Kathe and Jim look alike with the shortest hair I have ever seen. I just hope they don't take me for a haircut until we get home, I don't want to look like a bald Chihuahua.
Good news today, Gianni is home and doing well and is looking forward to next years trip!
WOW! Hey there Annie hows about a selfie? you little fuzzball you