Thursday, August 9, 2018


It was our last day here in Albuquerque and although they planned to hike another of the petroglyph canyons, no one got up before it started getting HOT. As a result, Kathe plunked me into the kitchen sink and gave me a bath and blow-dry.  I really didn't mind, it's been a couple of weeks since my last grooming and I was getting kinda stinky. I looked so good that Lady Bella and Gianni are now in the sink next door! Sorry guys, it wasn't my fault!

While I was relaxing at home later this morning, the humans went for a drive on the Turquoise Trail, a National Scenic Byway that connects
Santa Fe to Albuquerque the hard way. It was nice to get out into the country, and see all the little towns in between the two famous cities.

They stopped at an historic trading post in Golden, which was more like a personal museum than a store. The next town they stopped in was Madrid, which was once a coal mining town, and a ghost town before it became the tourist stop it is today. All the old homes on the main street have become cute little shops and restaurants. They has a great lunch at the Mine Shaft Tavern which boasts of the longest bar in New Mexico and terrific hamburgers.

The final stop was supposed to be a Turquoise Mine and Museum (and petting zoo) but  all they saw there was a big pile of huge turquoise stones and a few scrawny chickens. On to Gallup tomorrow!

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