Tuesday, August 14, 2018


First, let me tell you that we made it through last night without any damage to our motor home. This morning there was dirt and debris everywhere from the storm, and the park rangers were working hard to clean everything up. Another storm is expected tonight, and the Arizona people seem to think this is all normal.

This afternoon Kathe and Jim took Warren and Kathy for a drive to Show Low Lake and they stopped for lunch at a restaurant named after me, Annie's Bistro. They had a great lunch outside, but had to leave early because it started raining.

On the way back to the campground, Jim felt like he hit something on the road. He didn't see anything but it made a terrible racket on the rear drivers side. Soon the tire pressure monitor went from 37 pounds to 4 pounds and they knew they were in trouble. Warren and Jim changed the tire in the rain and replaced it with the full sized spare in record time.

A few blocks away they found a Firestone Tire Shop and took the flat tire into them to see if it could be repaired. It had a small gash in the tread, but the mechanic pulled out one half of a needle nosed pliers.  Here's a picture of what they pulled out. They other half was still inside the tire! Of course it couldn't be repaired, so they bought a new tire to use as the spare until we get back home. Just another adventure on the road!

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